Octavo día

Ayer tuve un problema con el Internet y hasta hoy la entrada de ayer no la he podido publicar. 

Hoy es domingo y aquí en Edimburgo es el Festival. Por cada rincón que vas puedes encontrar un espectáculo distinto para todo tipo de gustos. Es por eso que junto con mi amiga Haruna hemos decidido para practicar el Listening ir a diferentes show.

El primero de ellos se llamaba Aquapella: I would't B. Era una especie de musical como bien dice su nombre a capela donde diferentes grupos cantaban distintas canciones. 

Después nos hemos ido a comer a un parque unas hamburguesas con queso ¡estaban deliciosas!

Por último hemos ido a un espectáculo de comedia que se llamaba "La bella Angele" en este, diferentes cómicos han contado algunos chistes. Para mi sorpresa me ha tocado salir para hacer de ayudante al chico, mientras subía las escaleras estaba muy nerviosa se me pasaban por la cabeza los tiempo verbales, vocabulario además del pensamiento "no voy a saber responder" pero cual ha sido mi sorpresa que me he podido defender y causar algunas risas al público, nunca olvidaré esta experiencia.

Hasta la próxima

Yesterday I had a problem with the Internet and until yesterday I could not post it yesterday.

Today is Sunday and here in Edinburgh is the Festival. For every corner you go you can find a different show for all kinds of tastes. That's why together with my friend Haruna we have decided to practice listening to go to different shows.

The first one was called Aquapella: I would't B. It was a kind of musical as its name says a cappella where different groups sang different songs.

After we went to eat in a park some hamburgers with cheese were delicious!

Finally we went to a comedy show called 'The Beautiful Angele' in this, different comedians have told some jokes. To my surprise I had to go out to play assistant to the boy, while I was climbing the stairs I was very nervous the verbal time, vocabulary besides the thought 'I am not going to answer' was going through my head but what was my surprise that I have been able to defend and cause some laughter to the public, I will never forget this experience.


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